You Build Wealth By Turning Advertising Into Profit

You build wealth by turning advertising into profit. You build wealth by turning advertising into profit.

That short sentence is so important that I had to type it twice and I even recommend saying it out loud a couple of times.

Understanding this simple concept can absolutely change your life and quickly multiply your business.

If you’re consistently able to generate $2 from $1 in advertising in your business, then, you have the “golden ticket” in your possession.

In my business, I consistently generate $5 in revenue for every $1 that I spend on Facebook Ads and retargeting campaigns.

Because of this, I’m able to scale my business and focus on delivering incredible value to my clients while my advertising and marketing funnel takes care of the rest.

Imagine if you didn’t need to search for clients any more? Imagine if you didn’t have to rely on referrals and networking to bring in new business? What would it be like if you were able to focus on serving your clients and adding tremendous value to their lives while your lead generation and marketing funnel was taken care of?

All of these things are very, very possible in your business if you can nail down a profitable and consistent advertising campaign strategy.

If you take a look around and really look at what the top coaches and consultants are doing (the seven figure guys) you’ll see that they all have one thing in common. They are spending a TON of money on advertising and their marketing funnels are DIALED IN!

Why do you think this is?

The answer is that it’s incredibly profitable for them to be advertising and you can bet that they are making a tremendous profit on the money that they are spending.

If you are of the opinion that you can scale a high six figure or seven figure coaching or consulting business without a profitable and duplicatable advertising strategy, you are sadly mistaken.

A profitable and consistent advertising strategy is an absolute must have in your business and if you think, “ads don’t work” and are determined to do it another way, then you are really missing out and have very little chance of scaling your business to high 6 or 7 figures.

Summary: You build wealth by turning advertising into profit.

Action Steps:

  1. Put together a profitable and consistent advertising strategy in your business.
  2. Monitor, test and improve your advertising campaigns to increase ROI and decrease ad spend.
  3. Scale your business, put your lead generation on autopilot and make a ton of money.
  4. Use the time you used to spend on finding new clients to deliver even more incredible value to your current clients.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 over and over.