Happy Thanksgiving! What I’m Grateful For In My Business

Happy thanksgiving to all of my blog readers and to all of your family members on this awesome holiday!

I’ll tell you what, Thanksgiving has always been one of my “top holidays” and quite frankly, as I type this, I believe it may have just jumped to the top of the list.

Just thinking about all of the stuffed artichokes and stuffing I’ll be eating over the next 2-11 hours is literally keeping a wide smile on my face.

Either way though, this post was not supposed to be about food even though it’s slowly but surely drifting there, lol.

This post was about being thankful for your business and truly reflecting on all of the amazing things that being a successful business owner allows you to do and enjoy in your life.

So, without further adieu or food talk, here are the three things I’m most grateful for in my business on this day of giving thanks and reflecting on what I’m lucky to have.

1) I’m grateful for the fact that I am able to dictate my own work schedule in my business 

This is probably the thing I’m most proud of and most thankful for in my business. I’m able to create my own hours, schedule and business goals that don’t rely on someone else’s schedule or timeline. If I need a day to relax and recharge, I take it, and I NEVER feel guilty about it. The ability to be there if someone needs me and the ability to be flexible and efficient with my time is huge for me and it is something that I know I’m extremely grateful for.

2) I’m grateful for my clients and their ability to stay positive and get results

As I always tell my clients and potential clients, what we’re going to work on is “simple” but it is sure not “easy.” There will be hiccups, obstacles and road blocks that will need to be overcome. It’s not always easy to be positive when things don’t go 100% smoothly and I totally get that. That’s why I’m so grateful for my students and clients who truly have the attitude that nothing can stop them and that all roadblocks are meant to be broken down. This winning attitude is something I’m truly proud of and something that I’m very grateful for.

3) I’m grateful for the lifestyle my business is able to give me and my family

Above all else, I’m most thankful and proud of the fact that because of my hard work and dedication my business has been able to offer a comfortable and great lifestyle for myself and my family. We’re able to be financially secure, able to travel and able to have nice things because of my business and how it has grown over the years. This is something I’m SOOO grateful for and this is why I built the business to begin with. I’m extremely grateful for the lifestyle I currently enjoy and never take it for granted.

These are just three of the hundreds of things I’m grateful for in my business on this Thanksgiving day.

Take some time to reflect on what you’re thankful for and set yourself up to finish the year strong with a positive mental picture of your business!

Summary: I’m extremely proud and grateful for my current business and the benefits it’s given to my family and I.

Action Steps:

  1. Think about what you’re grateful for in your business and life.
  2. Write these items down and truly reflect and internalize them.
  3. Live these feelings every day in your business to stay positive and use them as motivation when you’re not feeling great.
  4. Keep the feeling of gratitude in your business every single day.

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