I haven’t banged out a solid inspirational post in a bit so here it is.

Is today the day that you find clarity in your business and make your move?

Seriously, is it?

It’s really, really easy to go through the motions in your business, especially if you’ve been doing the same things for a while and have really become set in your daily routine.

If you’re running a coaching or consulting business with a good amount of clients, you know what I mean. Some days, you’re all set and ready to go with your plan and then you get a client email, or someone needs help with something, something personal comes up, your dog is sick, etc. etc. etc.

The slightest change in plans or scheduling and all of the good intentions and plans that you had for the day are out the window.

Trust me, I know about this all to well. It was my life for a very, very long time unfortunately.

I’d have my impact plan ready for the day, my enthusiasm level would be at 100%… and all of a sudden “something would come up.”

Next thing I knew, it would be 3:00 PM and I hadn’t even begun on my core projects for the day.

This would then lead to discouragement, disappointment and ultimately, a failed business day. This was the WORST!

Is anyone currently experiencing this in their business? If so, not to worry, you can recover incredibly quickly if you really step up.

The FIRST and most important thing to do is to stop checking your email first thing in the morning. Ideally, you would disconnect your email from your phone, but, for most people I know that is a bit much (is it really though?).

Nothing gets a day off track quicker then a morning email review. Basically, the long and short of it is that when you check your email first thing in the morning, you allow your day to become dictated by other people, instead of dictating your own day on your terms. I could go on for 1000+ words on this topic alone, but, for now I’ll leave it at that and hope you get what I’m saying here.

If you can manage to not check your email first thing, you’ll find that you can quickly begin on your core and most important business building tasks first thing!

This is very important, because once you start your day on the right track, and actually accomplish what you set out to do, you will feel incredibly good about yourself and that will spiral into the rest of your day.

Seriously, when I get into the office first thing in the AM and immediately start moving my business forward, it’s incredible how good I feel about myself and my life as a business owner.

So, that’s the challenge today. Will you wake up tomorrow and move your business forward? Or, will you do the same thing that you’ve been doing?

The challenge is yours and the only one that can make it happen is you!

Summary: If you do not plan out, and take control of your day first thing, your day will control you. If you plan your day, and then execute your plan immediately before you do anything else, you will feel great about yourself and make incredibly progress in your business.

Action Steps: 

  1. Plan out the exact steps necessary to get your business where you want it to be.
  2. Make a list of the steps and put them in order from most important to least important.
  3. Begin on your most important task first thing in the morning before you do ANYTHING else.
  4. Completely finish your core tasks before moving on to anything else.
  5. Don’t become distracted by your business. Make sure you put yourself in situations to be successful every single day.