Targeted Paid Traffic + Scalable Conversion = Wealth

What’s the quickest, best and most effective way to grow a huge coaching, consulting or high end services business?

Immediately work on a strategy to turn targeted web traffic into new high value clients.

But, but, Brian…..that’s it??

Yes, that is it.

While that one sentence reads simple enough, it is very challenging to make it happen and get it right.

IRS data shows that most entrepreneurs will never get there.

It is also a complete multi million dollar business plan.

All you have to do is figure out how to turn $1 in advertising into $5 in revenue, and you’ll never have to do anything else in your business ever again.

Imagine never having to “chase new business.”

Imagine never having to make a sales call again.

Imagine never waking up on the first of the month, clueless as to how much you’ll earn that month.

Imagine never having to stress over that next client call because you, “need the revenue.”

What would you do if you never had to deal with those things again in your business?

What would happen if every day when you woke up, potential clients came to you without you ever having to chase them again?

I can answer these questions because I’ve made this switch.

I pay for razor targeted traffic in my business and then I profitably convert a percentage of that traffic into high value clients.

And….. that’s about it, this is all I do on a daily basis.

All of the other things that I’m, “supposed to be doing” in my business I either don’t do or I do them because I enjoy them (like writing in this blog!).

I don’t work on an SEO strategy, I don’t go to meet ups or networking events, I don’t “hustle new business,” I don’t cold call and I definitely don’t wake up stressing about where my next client will come from.

And all of this is just not a part of my business life at all because I learned how to turn $1 in ad spend into $5 in business revenue.

Summary: Targeted online traffic + scalable client conversion = incredible success and wealth without headaches or stress.

Action Steps:

  1. Make sure you are providing an extremely valuable, outcome driven program to your clients.
  2. If you are, spend money to drive targeted web traffic to your conversion focused offer.
  3. Work on this until it’s profitable, and don’t give up if it doesn’t work great at first.
  4. Once you are profitable, refine and test until your achieving the ROI you want.
  5. Scale your business to the moon without spending time doing all of the things that you don’t need to be doing.

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