Why Are You Growing Your Business?

If you’ve been following my blog for a bit, you may have noticed that I like to, “recap and review” on Fridays, in order to get fired up and ready to go for the following week starting Monday AM.

I’m a big, big believer in setting yourself up to be successful for the upcoming week, and for me, it all starts with reviewing, refocusing and re centering myself based on the current week that just ended.

Once I’m able to gear up and focus on the “what” and the “why” for next week, I’m free to clear my head, relax and really enjoy my weekend and the down time that comes with it.

Doing this consistently allows me to be fully recharged, pumped up and ready to go once Monday comes around and it’s time to make it happen again.

I would strongly recommend that you start building this reflection and recharging time into the end of your weeks and start making it a habit to really evaluate your business and goals moving forward.

With that being said, I want to hit you with the ultimate, “Why Question” before you head into the weekend.

Why are you doing this?

Seriously, why are you building your business and trying to build your life as a high value entrepreneur?

This question is not lip service, but an honest attempt to get you to think about and reflect on the real reason(s) that you build your business every day.

For me, it’s very simple, I do it for my family and my future family!

As a 29 year old entrepreneur, I’m in a situation where what gets me motivated right now is the idea of building an incredibly life changing business that will allow my current family (my girlfriend, parents, sister, grandparents, friends) and my future family (wife, kids) to live and achieve the lifestyle that they deserve.

Guys, that’s what gets and keeps me pumped up EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF EVERY SINGLE DAY!

It’s all good and well to “want to grow a huge business” but, from my experience, until you combine the “want” with the “why” it’ll just never happen.

The why is what will keep you motivated when things get tough.

The why is the reason that you won’t quit because things just “aren’t going your way.”

The why is what will keep you grinding and moving forward after four straight terrible Strategy Session phone calls.

The why is what will get you to run Facebook Ads even though you’re hesitant and feel like you aren’t sure if they will work.

The why is what will guide you to take action around a proven plan, and not drift off into distraction and procrastination.

The why is what will make you decide that today is your day to make it happen, and not tomorrow or the next day (again).

So, I told you all about why I do this. 

Why do you?

Summary: As human beings, “What you want to do” is sometimes not enough and you need to consistently reflect back on “Why you want to do it” in order to move forward with purpose and determination.

Action Steps: 

  1. Figure out and reflect on what your “why” is and why you ultimately want to build and grow a life changing business.
  2. Every morning before you start for the day, visualize the “why” and use it as fuel and motivation to attack your challenges and obstacles.
  3. If you feel yourself getting burnt out, overwhelmed or frustrated, reflect back on your “Why’s” and get your head right.
  4. Make this a habit, and watch your life and business transform.

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