You Have To Close “The Gap”

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The gap is evil.

The gap is the problem.

The gap will haunt your dreams and potentially ruin your life.

The gap is the reason that I used to sit up in bed not able to sleep, dreading the coming day.

But, what is “The Gap” and what the hell am I talking about?

The Gap is the difference between what you WANT to earn in your business next month, and what you will ACTUALLY earn in your business that month.

Does that make sense?

So, if your goal income for July of 2016 was $30,000.00 in business revenue, and you brought in $7,000.00, than your gap for that month was $23,000.00, or close to 300K per year!

The simple way to change your life and future is to close that gap.

The gap in your business income is actually the literal cost of not hitting your HONEST income goals.

So, if your goal in July really was $30,000.00 in revenue and you really only did hit $7,000.00 then, you literally cost yourself $23,000.00 in income that month, point blank period.

There is absolutely no other way to look at it.

Unless you are just BS’ing your goal income, it really is a “hard cost” that is easy to quantify and can never be ignored or minimized.

I always ask my potential Premium Clients Every Day students how badly do they REALLY want to close that gap?

What is “The Gap” costing them in their lives?

How much better off would their families be if they were able to close the gap?

I want my potential clients to really feel what the gap is costing them in their businesses and lives.

The gap in your business revenue is not just “an issue that needs to be worked on” it is the only issue that you need to focus on.

Closing the gap is really the same as maximizing and changing your life and future.

Most people will simply never close “their gap.”

They will believe that it’s impossible, they will say things like, “no one can make that type of money.”

The reason for this is that it is much, much easier to never think about, never mind work hard on closing the gap.

Most entrepreneurs are just going through the motions.

The feel like if they just work “hard in their business” and “do the right things” then whatever money they make, “is what it is.”

This is an F’N BS mindset and one that truly infuriates me.

If you really don’t feel like you can close the gap and really hit your true income goals, then what are you doing?

You’re not doing anything and you’ll NEVER hit your true income goals and change your life!

The gaps exists to be closed, that’s it.

Summary: Closing “The Gap” is literally the only thing you should be focused on in your business.

Action Steps: 

  1. Figure out what your “ideal dream income” really is in your business.
  2. Don’t sell out and shoot low, REALLY think about and meditate on how much you TRULY want to earn.
  3. Now that you have your goal income, focus relentlessly on closing your gap.
  4. Close the gap and experience the life changing, truly transformational results that only a small percentage of business owners will ever achieve.

Premium Clients Every Day Video Training Series

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